Actual Play – Bladesmas (12/17/2017)

GM: Judd Karlman
Players: Pete Cornell, Jason Bowell, and Sean Nittner
System: Blades in the Dark
Crew: The Wobbegong Crew

Judd made a great write up here:

Here’s a copy of hos post:

In which the gang takes turf from the Hive.

On the first day of Bladesmas my scoundrels gave to me a spectre in a dead tree….

We had Maude, Charming and Skannon tonight. With 3 PC’s, we are tending to wait until we’ve got a full crew before playing lately. I liked the way having different characters in different jobs changed the way we’d approach each job or which job we’d take when offered a few.

Duskwall again

The Five Faces of the Moon – The teahouse Skannon often frequents when he pays for company.

Liz Lomond – reporter who brought the Hive’s human trafficking into the light.

Edlund – the “kindly” Bluecoat who always comes to talk the gang into taking a less bloody route.

Jol – the Bluecoat who took a crowbar to the Blackjack, the crew’s main boat.

Djera Maha and Karth Orris – leaders of The Hiven, NPC’s named in the book.

Narcus Comber – Hive’s Lawyer – the man Charming stole a watch from back in the early days, back before their HQ had a door and the barrister just walked in

Azin, Kimiya, Orkiden, Yass – Whispers with the Red Sashes – ladies who can go from frightening witches to doting grandmothers in the spin of a penny.

Barghast Bay – the bloodiest engagement in the War is where this gang was forged and is mentioned often.

Jonah – a mischievous Skovlander child who mistreated Skannon’s dining room table. Jason is often dropping the names of children during the game as we see Charming trying to be a baby-sitter.

The Job with text

As per their peace agreement with the Red Sashes, they returned the Upper Deck, turf taken during the war, but the Red Sashes had to aid them in taking a warehouse from the Hive. They took it using magic, knowing that the arcane arts and ectoplasmic sciences are weak points in the Hive’s arsenal.

The sent the fermenting mass of ghosts from the bilge of the Upper Deck, which had been used by some long gone gang as a place to stow bodies, into the Hive’s warehouse and managed to control it, keeping the situation from becoming a cannibalistic mess. The group made their rolls for the most part and utilized a weakness in the Hive, an unwillingness to utilize ghosts and sorcery. A roll demanded a complication, and so the warehouse is now forever haunted.

As a result, the Hive offered Maud and Skannon jobs and had a talk with Charming about why they did what they did. They offered Maud an estate in Six Towers with a view of the Scurlock Manor and offered Skannon his family’s ancestral ship, now docked just within the Lightning Barrier.

Now the group has a haunted warehouse full of Skovlander refugees as turf. Good stuff.

The Mechanics in White

The mechanics brought an entanglement in which the Bluecoats took out their anger on the Blackjack. I also consider the NPC’s mentioned in the faction section as part of the mechanics. The personalities and links between gangs and factions is well wrought.  Pluck one string and it causes ripples throughout Doskovol.

Blades on Air

Actual Play – Autumn of the Ancients Episode 02 (12/14/2017)

Players: Banana Chan, Jenn Martin, and Sean Nittner
System: Autumn of the Ancients

It took some time to get our schedules to line up, but I’m so excited we were able to make it happen.

Autumn of the Ancients is a collaborative storytelling game where we play a group of spacefarers, accompanying an ancient alien being known only as “The Liminal”. The journey will place us in the company of alien cultures, fantastic vistas, and force us to make difficult decisions about who our characters are, how they relate, and how our journey will change them.

This game is based on Ross Cowman’s Fall of Magic.

Ancients on Air

Actual Play – Spirit Wardens Most Wanted (12/12/2017)

GM: Sean Nittner
Players: Karen Twelves,  Adrienne Mueller, and Eric Fattig
System: Blades in the Dark

Notes I jotted down months ago. I pray they make some sense

Last time two spirit wells formed a spectral repulsion that destroyed all spectral matter in the vicinity, and a lightning bolt destroyed the top third of Bellweather. This making the Doskvol Spectral Society the most wanted criminals in the Spirit Wardens minds.

  • 10 Heat (Devastating Exposure, Hostile Turf, Well Connected Targets, Killing Involved)
  • 6 Rep
  • Faction Status: Spirit Wardens dropped to -3 (at war), Leviathan Hunters +2, Skurlock +1


Elke, went to Wend to be tended to (hiding out in the Six Arms, the Devil Hunters Hall is under lockdown by the Wardens and Bluecoats). Wend was able to hear her normal would, but also found that the sparkcraft in her neck had been damaged during the explosion, and if she could open up the area and get very precise tools in there to separate the entwined wires… so she dove in, and had to cut away more to to remove them [Desperate Tinker, Mixed Result, Caused Level 3 Harm and removed the Spirit Warden brand.

Jadvyga hided out with her friend Frake (cold, shrewd, fierce), who reached out to Malcolm Dundridge to get a new set of clothes from him. She was cut to pieces but sought a new outfit rather than ministration to her wounds (Indulge Vice). Frake didn’t want any trouble, didn’t spare any sympathies for Jadvyga either, but he owed her.

Elke and Nyryx connected, Nyryx possessed her to comfort her [Recovery]

Hix took a look further, into the ghost world behind the vale…

Actual Play – Into Bellweather (12/7/2017)

GM: Sean Nittner
Players: Karen Twelves,  Adrienne Mueller, and Eric Fattig
System: Blades in the Dark

Notes I jotted down months ago. I pray they make some sense

Through her contact Elke was able to gain entrance back into Bellweather, where they delivered the lightning cage….just as the power to it was failing!

Elke continued to power the field with her Tempest but it only last a moment. She needed an incredible amount of energy to sustain it.

Yadvyga tapped into her demonic nature and took it’s form.

  • A sea demon, humanoid with bestial features.
  • Hard carapace of metal plates.
  • Razor sharp claws
  • Glassy crab eyes
  • Forked tongue and split mandibles.
  • Kylastra!

Hix, terrified, but also seeing a possibility attached her electorplasimc conduits into the cage and plunged the receptors on the other end into the demon in front of her. If refined blood would power the cage, perhaps pure blood from a living demon, ignited by the Keeper of the Flame, could do the same! Acting as a human conduit she funnelled enough energy in to the cage to keep it sealed… and to reveal Kylastra and the Keeper of the Flame to all the Spirit Wardens in the Bellweather.

They were… surprised. As was the Keeper, who screamed a whisper of truth into Hix’s mind “The dependence on demons will be the downfall of humanity.”

A Fine Entrance

When the senior wardens arrived, Elke told them that they must take the lighting cage to the incinerator, otherwise 144 ghosts would break free and if they were lucky just kills us all, if we weren’t form a spirit well right here in the Bellweather!

This… was a compelling argument, but so was the demon in their antechamber! The Warden split. One masked warden to take them to the incinerator and the others to stay (with a Hull) to capture the demon in their presence.

The Ghost Field

An electroplasmic arrestor shot from the chest of the hull and flew towards Kylastra. Meanwhile the two masked wardens began dragging a chain around her and beginning a ritual that hasn’t been performed in their lifetime.

Yadvyga attempted to enter the ghost field but her new physiology was incompatible, and so, had to shed her demonic form. Literally, ripping the carapace from her skin to enter the ghost field and disappear. [Ouch, it was level 4 harm, resisted down to level 3]

Into the Crematorium

Hix and Elke convinced the spirit wardens to try putting the lightening cage into the incinerator, which they learned also has a spirit well in it, it’s what they use to make sure ghosts don’t escape.  What happens when two spirit wells collide? That’s just what Elke, Hix and Scurlock want to know.

And the answer is:

  • A spirit warden took her mask off, called herself Leanna and told Elke she needed to leave Doksvol, and never return.
  • She also told them that Bazran was a spy for the Spirit Wardens and had been reporting on the Spectral Society for over a year.
  • Oh, and a massive explosion rocked Bellweather, destroyed the incinerator, nearly killed Hix and Elke (also destroyed the spirit cocoon in Hix) and,
  • The opposing polarity of the spirit wells repulsed all ghost matter away from them (in other parts of the tower, ejecting Yadvyga, violently, from the ghost field)

One Last bit of Business

Yadvyga, bleeding, concussed, and confused, made her way to the top of Bellweather, found the room that Naria Strangford was held in and affixed the token Needle provided her on the door, and then took a big step back, just before a storm cloud formed above and lightning struck the tower, blowing up a huge section of it, including the protections around Naria’s chambers. Dragging herself a long, Yadvyga helped Naria leap from debris down into a hay cart below (heck yeah flashbacks!)

Actual Play – Thin Black Line Character Creation (12/6/2017)

GM: Dennis Jordan
Players: Regina Jordan, Adrienne Mueller, Eric Fattic, Karen Twelves, and Sean Nittner
System: Shadowrun 5th Edition

After quite some time since our Kingmaker game the Daughters of Aloria return in a game of Knight Errant officers, the police force of Seattle in 2072. From the Shadowrun Wiki:

March 15: The Seattle government does not renew Lone Star’s contract, citing its poor handling of the tempo crisis. The city negotiates a new contract with Knight Errant.

Rather than playing as Shadowrunners, we’re playing as cops, which is something I had trepidation about. Would we be the people investigating how corporate greed made everyone in the system suffer, or would we be the ones administering the suffering? We talked about it as a group quite a bit and agreed to play folks looking for justice, and further that the organization we worked for (Knight Errant) wasn’t perfect, but they were trying to uphold their mandate of keeping Seattle safe rather than acting as pawns of the AAA corps.

Character Creation

Ashley “Ash” Pemberton (Regina) – An ork both connected with Project Freedom (metahuman rights activists) and her family in the south. Seeking for the Ork underground acknowledged as a district within the city, Ash is pushing for Prop 23 to go through!

Byron Prescott (Adrienne) – Ex-pilot for Ares Macrotechnology, who had a mission that went south and he wasn’t the same after it. Suffering from insomnia, disassociation, and PTSD, Prescott was considered no longer fit for duty, however his connections with Ares ensured he’d have a position withing the company. And thus he found himself grounded, but still working for Ares.

Lyssa Brighton (Eric) – Raised in a commune the “Concordance of the Stars” and then when that fell apart moved into the foster system and later adopted by parents that pointed her to Catholicism and eventually to MITT under the Dunkelzahn under the HERBS (High Exposure to Radical Belief Systems) program.  Now a mage for KE! Wow, her resume is varied!

Toshiro Hakada (Sean) – A Lone Star officer when they had the contract for Seattle. He got mixed up with Tiffani Brackhaven (the governor’s niece) and the Tempo drug bust, only to find out who was really funding some of the anti-metahuman actions, Toshiro had to look like he was dirty. He that the smallest shred of a case of corruption against Governor Kenneth Brackhaven, but it was something to build off of. That was until Lone Star lost their contract, and anyone that would have trusted him got shipped off to Corpus Christi. He’s still trying to finish that case, but also trying to shed the bad rep of being a cop on the take. Neither are easy.

Tuesday Larsen (Karen) – Grew up in the suburbs of LA, the single child of a well-enough off parents who love here dearly. She was a latchkey kid and the Matrix was her babysitter, always staying appraised of the general zeitgeist, shifting trends and the best MMORPGs. At a young age she dabbled in hacking and discovered her abilities as a Technomancer. Several companies tried to scoop her up. First Horizon, which seemed like they might have been stand up folks but deeper digging showed they had their own skeletons. Wanting to do some good she joined Knight Errant, who gladly added a Technomancer to their salary.

Actual Play – Autumn of the Ancients Episode 01 (11/30/2017)

Players: Banana Chan, Jahmal Brown, Jenn Martin, and Sean Nittner
System: Autumn of the Ancients

It took some time to get our schedules to line up, but I’m so excited we were able to make it happen.

Autumn of the Ancients is a collaborative storytelling game where we play a group of spacefarers, accompanying an ancient alien being known only as “The Liminal”. The journey will place us in the company of alien cultures, fantastic vistas, and force us to make difficult decisions about who our characters are, how they relate, and how our journey will change them.

This game is based on Ross Cowman’s Fall of Magic.

Ancients on Air

Actual Play – Indulgences (11/28/2017)

GM: Sean Nittner
Players: Karen Twelves,  Adrienne Mueller, and Eric Fattig
System: Blades in the Dark

Notes I jotted down months ago. I pray they make some sense

All hands downtime action – Chaterhall Crew performing practices in the Doskvol canals (reducing heat).

Hix’s mastermind action – Send them out again to setup a course that would be a cover for sneaking boats into the deathlands (reducing heat).

Elke investigated who trashed the wards at the Devil Hutner’s Hall, and sending the spectral defenders out, they came back with Eren (ghost), held in Myst’s body (ghost passage ability), who they then interrogated and tried to win her over to the true path (1/4 ticks).

They also continued to work on a cure for the drowning plague (2/8 ticks). (Long Term Project)

Wend went to the Black Tree (underground) and gabled on the Whisper Lightning Cage Fights. The Red Claw vs. Atrius. The Red Claw won and then went onto face She who Slays. (Indulge Vice)

Haland tended to by Wend to treat his pneumonia and found his lung had been punctured. Yikes (Recover)

Elke tended to by Wend, who discovered the Spirit Warden brand was actually wires fused into her blood vessels. Some very advanced Sparkcraft! She could help her other injuries though (Recover)

Hix continued to study the metaphysical weight of the soul and looked to what happen as the spirit passes from the body at death. She found it is called to another realm which has it’s own force (the Spectral Force) and if one was to detach and seek it out, they could enter the Ghost Realm (Long Term project, complete).

Some notes after the game

What does Scurlock want now?

Short term – to test his theory that two adjacent spirit wells with opposite polarity could create a force that would repulse spectral energies. Long term? To give “life” to Bastion. Longer term still, to be reunited with Elise Salkaran (Elke’s grandmother).

Actual Play – Philadelphia County Ghost Court (11/18/2017)

System: Ghost Court

The One Shot Network started a game of Ghost Court in the Bully Pulpit room and there wasn’t enough space for all the players. Not nearly enough. Thanks to Andy Munich, the Pax Enforcers, some very helpful hotel staff, and patient players, we setup a new room to house the Superior Ghost Court of Philadelphia County.

I thought we might get 10-20 people. We had over 40. Holy crap PAX, your crowds. This was so much fun to setup and of course, our judges were amazing.

I even managed to slip between the two courts, play case myself and made it back!

Here’s some pics!


Actual Play – Pax Star Crossed (11/18/2017)

Players: New Pax Friends
Facilitator: Sean Nittner
System: Star Crossed

My first time facilitating Star Crossed. I was a bit daunted having never facilitated it before, but I was so confident in the system I wanted to give it a shot. After the games (note, we played two of them!) Alex met with the players and got their feedback.

The stories were of a old west sheriff bringing an outlaw back to town, through a long and dangerous trip back. The other was a fantasy dwarf and elf separated from their party in the dungeon and trying to make it back to them… or not.

Our Star Crossed players


Actual Play – Star Crossed with Kitty (11/17/2018)

Players: Kitty Stoholski and Sean Nittner
System: Star Crossed

Kitty and I told a delightfully claustrophobic story of two people trapped in an escape pod running out of air, hoping to they will be found and still trying to uphold their social structures (former co-workers that had an affair and were reprimanded by a military structure that forbade fraternization).

This game…as I expected…was sooooo good!


I forgot to take a pic of our game, so thank you to my friends at Pax for sharing their tower toppling win me:

Steve’s Thumb!